
Do you want to start traveling and exploring more areas of the United States? Check out tips and ideas for being a smart tourist.

3 Stops Every Bookworm Must Make In The U.K.

28 August 2015
 Categories: Travel, Blog

For people who love literature, one of the main attractions of a good book written by a brilliant author is the way that the writing takes you into a whole new place, far from home. Once the book is finished and you've closed the cover, you may long for a chance to explore that space again. While that's pretty hard to accomplish if your book is set in outer space or in a fictional universe, there are plenty of real literary sites that you absolutely can tour, and many of them can be found in the United Kingdom. Read More …

About Me
Talking About Travel And Tourism

Hi there, my name is Sheila. I am excited to talk to you about travel and tourism. I’ve traveled all over the world with my family. On these trips, we enjoyed our time acting as respectful tourists. We were often invited to various events and dinners by the individuals we met on our travels. I will use this site to talk about making the most of your travels, particularly if you're traveling within the United States. You don't have to go far to have a great experience. I will share information about being a good tourist no matter where you visit.
